Farstriders Community Wiki

Name: Scholomance Debate Team
Website: http://www.sdtguild.net/
Recruiting status: Whisper Ishbel, Palleon, Aristaios, Ilsarien, or Moirinda if interested. (Raiding spots to given classes are limited at the moment. We gladly accept those who do not wish to raid).
Activity Time: Raiding is on Wednsday nights, Saturday and Sunday afternoons. We have guild arena teams and do them atleast once a week. We also host PvP events at Gurubashi Arena. We try and run heroics on nights that we don't raid (or later in the evenings on Saturday and Sunday).


SDT is, at the core of it, an attempt to make endgame as fun as possible for everyone involved. Far too many raiding guilds focus on being number one, and use a tyrannical, officers-know-best attitude to humiliate, force, and drive guild members to raids five or six nights a week in order to progress fastest.

Rather than be the biggest and best, SDT simply aims to progress through endgame at a reasonable pace, and have a hell of a lot of fun doing it. So we only field three full raids a week, and do not give our officers any more power than is necessary to keep the guild running.
